Access to libsze2 library

libsze2 library provides API for initialization of sze2 transfers, receiving and transmitting data segments through sze2 interface. The library depends on the library libcommlbr and kernel modules combov3 and szedata2_cv3.


The libraries and kernel modules can be installed from RPM packages which can be downloaded from RPM repository.

The following packages are needed:

The packages can be downloaded and then installed from local storage.

To run DPDK application from version 2.3.0 minimum required version of kernel modules packages is 0.9.4.


Installation from local storage

Download the packages from links above.

Install the packages (for example using yum):

yum install dkms-combo-driver-0.9.6-1.noarch.rpm
yum install combo-driver-devel-0.9.6-1.noarch.rpm
yum install combo-driver-udev-rules-0.9.6-1.noarch.rpm
yum install libcommlbr-2.4.3-1.x86_64.rpm
yum install libcommlbr-devel-2.4.3-1.x86_64.rpm
yum install libsze2-1.1.4-1.x86_64.rpm
yum install libsze2-devel-1.1.4-1.x86_64.rpm